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The Ockenden Review – BCUHB

2019 update – Donna Ockenden, initially investigated concerns following the closure of Tawel Fan and concluded that the care of vulnerable patients on the ward amounted to “institutional abuse” after considering concerns that patients were kept like “animals” and left in their own urine. A further investigation by HASCAS (the Health and Social Care Advisory Service), concluded that there was no evidence of institutional abuse or neglect.

However, according to BCUHB’s annual “Putting Things Right” report, nearly half of the 105 cases which were subject to individual patient reports were deemed “determined harm caused”.

Read the Putting Things Right report here

2018 – A ‘Review of the Governance Arrangements relating to the care of patients on Tawel Fan ward’ is a report by Donna Ockenden and was commissioned by Betsi Cadwaldr University Health Board. The review was published on the 12th July 2018.

The Ockenden Review was included in a Senedd statement by Vaughan Gething, to view the announcement go to 4:19:30 in the session.

Watch the video


Older people’s commissioner for Wales

Statement in response to Ockenden Review of Governance Arrangements relating to Tawel Fan Ward and Older People’s Mental Health at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

Read the statement


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