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Support for Families


West Ambulance Service (WMAS) Board of Directors meeting

The West Midland Ambulance Service (WMAS) had their Board of Directors meeting on 27th January. At the meeting they presented a report which outlined the assurance required to ensure they are delivering the best possible care, as well as learning from the Ockenden report to identify any further actions that WMAS can take to improve care to women who are in labour and who may have complications of labour.

They note that “although, it may appear that the Ockenden report is more applicable towards hospitals, as an emergency ambulance service providing pre-hospital maternity care, it is essential we respond to at least 4 of the 7 Immediate and Essential Action’s (IEA) highlighted within the Ockenden Report which apply to our trust. In addition, there are generic relevant issues that are highlighted in the report and these are highlighted in the enclosed action plan.”

Attached are the papers from the board meeting, please note it is 208 pages long. The section related to the Ockenden report starts on page 37. It also contains their action plan in relation to the Ockenden Report (2020) WMAS Review of Immediate and Essential Actions and Ockenden Report (2020) WMAS Review of Relevant Issues in Report.

Read papers from the board meeting here