September 2022
Dear Families
The purpose and the approach of the independent review of maternity services at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust are outlined in our Terms of Reference (available here).
Identification of clinical cases for the review will be based on the ‘Open Book’ approach as used in the review of maternity services at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust. The Trust will be providing the review team with a large amount of information including cases in the following 5 categories:
- Term and intrapartum stillbirths
- Neonatal deaths from 24 weeks gestation that occur up to 28 days of life; the review team will also consider neonatal serious incident reports and neonatal never events
- Babies diagnosed with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (Grade 2 & 3) and other significant hypoxic injury
- Maternal death up to 42 days post-partum
- Severe maternal harm to include cases such as all unexpected admission to ITU requiring ventilation, major obstetric hemorrhage e.g. cases where blood loss exceeds 3.5L, peri-partum hysterectomy, and other major surgical procedures arising from the maternity episode, cases of eclampsia and clinically significant cases of pulmonary embolus requiring further treatment
The review team will contact families to ask for their consent to be involved in the review. The wishes of families, whether to be involved in the review, (or not) will be completely respected by the maternity review team.
We ask all families whose experience falls into one (or more) of the 5 categories above to please contact us via email:
If your maternity experience is outside of these 5 categories, we will still be able to consider your case, and important learning from your case can be used to improve maternity care at the Trust.
Please let the review team know about your maternity care by emailing us on
All of your messages will be delivered directly to the review team and will be read carefully. Your experience will help the review team to build a wide and clear picture of maternity care provision at the Trust.
*Please note that the review team is only able to support with concerns raised in relation to maternity care provided at the Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) NHS Trust. If you query is regarding a different Trust or is related to a different department at the Trust we will not be able to help. We recommend you contact the relevant Trust directly.
My team and I will be in touch with you if we have any questions or if we feel we need additional information from you.
Thank you very much for your assistance
With best wishes

The Independent review into maternity services at Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) NHS Trust